Department of Floriculture and Dendrology

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Woody plant nursery (TETTD043N)

Last modified: 27. November 2024

Woody plant nursery (TETTD043N)

Responsible of subject: Dr. Veronika Szabó assistant professor, PhD (horticultural science)

Credit value: 4

2+2 hours of week

List of lectures and practical classes, requirements in the Fall Semester of 2024-2025. academic year (PDF)

Shemes of lectures:

1. Intro - Propagation and Nursery Management of Woody Plants (PDF)
2. Propagation methods od woody plants, propagating material management (PDF)
3. Autovegetative propagation (PDF)
4. Seed Orchard and Seedling production (PDF)
5. Micropropagation (PDF)
6. Grafting in Horticulture (PDF)
7. Raising Grafts in Nursery (PDF)
8. Container Grown and Rootballed Plants (PDF)
9. Lifting, Storage and Marketing in the Nursery (PDF)
10. Biology of rootstock/scion interactions (PDF)
11. Rootstock usage, apple and pear (PDF)
12. Rootstocks for Prunus Species (Cherry, plum, peach, apricot, almond) (PDF)

Topics of oral exam on Woody plant nursery (PDF)

1. Nursery plant propagation, producing grafted trees, grafting (PDF)
2. Raising young plants (PDF)
3. Knowledge of nursery wares (PDF)