Department of Floriculture and Dendrology

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Modern Systems in Floriculture (TETTD079N)

Last modified: 22. May 2024

Modern Systems in Floriculture (TETTD079N)

Responsible of subject: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Péter Honfi
Lecturer of subject: Assist. Prof. Dr. István Dániel Mosonyi, head of laboratory, Assist. Prof. Dr. Máté Ördögh, Assist. Prof. Dr. Veronika Szabó

Credit value: 4
2+2 hours of week

Course aims:
Students get global knowledge about the greenhouse and open ground ornamental plant production. They meet with the basis of plant growth regulation, the possibilities of growth regulation of ornamental plants and the timing methods. They meet with the main trends of ornamental breeding, the specialities of postharvest and trade. The subject negotiates the Hungarian, regional and European trends, changes and possibilities.

List of lectures and practical classes, requirements in the Spring Semester of 2023-2024 academic year (PDF)


Presentations of lectures: